SMS Services LLC Apps

MadCall.Me 1.36
А сколько голосов в твоей голове? Да ты такойне один! Ведь у каждого есть голос, который автоматическивключается, когда звонит мама, босс или лучший друг! Не так ли? Мывытащили голоса из твоей головы и создали для них отличную средуобитания! Целый мир в твоем девайсе! Наслаждайся! - единственное приложение, позволяющее в режимереального времени изменять свой голос во время звонка. Надо простовыбрать персонажа, голосом которого ты хочешь пообщаться с другом,нажать кнопку вызова и радоваться результату!Хочешь рассказать другу анекдот или весело поздравить его с днемрождения, но все обычные способы наскучили? Тогда скачивай записывай забавные видеооткрытки с поздравлениями ишутками и отправляй их друзьям и родственникам через смски,социальные сети или по почте!Важно! Для совершения вызовов приложению необходимо устойчивоеподключение к сети интернет через 3G, 4G/LTE или wi-fi, без негоприложение либо не сможет сделать вызов, либо передача голосаосуществится с искажениями и потерями.И помни, что смех продлевает жизнь! А что может быть лучше, чемпродлить жизнь своим друзьям и близким?Давайте больше смеяться!And how many voices inyour head? You're not alone! After all, everyone has a voice thatis automatically activated when calling mom, boss or best friend!Is not it? We got a voice out of your head and created for them agreat environment! The whole world in your devayse! Enjoy! - the only application that allows real-time change yourvoice during a call. You just have to choose a character, whosevoice you want to chat with a friend, press the call button andenjoy the result!Want to tell a friend or a fun anecdote to congratulate him on hisbirthday, but bored with the usual ways? Then download MadCall.meCapture funny video reel with congratulations and jokes and sendthem to friends and relatives via sms, social networking, or bymail!Important! To make a call, the application needs a stableconnection to the Internet via 3G, 4G/LTE, or wi-fi, without theapplication, or can not make a call or voice distorted and realizedlosses.And remember that laughter prolongs life! And what could be betterthan to prolong the life of someone you know?Let's laugh more!
Pocket Assistant PRO 3.7.343
★ BIG FREEDOM SALE ★ Just one INDEPENDENCE day only we offer adiscount of 40%! ★(WAS = $9.99, NOW = $5.99) ★ Get her while she's almost free ★Don't miss this oportunity to acquire a best aid, a voiceassistant and a simply a charming girl in your phone!Her name is Brainy, and she is eager to get acquainted with you! Itis easy, interesting and nice to deal with her. She has just twohands, but she can easily carry out several tasks at the same time.This clever blonde will be your unfailing friend, excellentinterlocutor, and an indispensable virtual assistant!After purchasing this unique PRO package, you'll spare more than$16!The Blonde will be able to dress in MANY OUTFITS includingunderwear; learn various SKILLS. You'll be allowed a big DISCOUNTfor her amazing voice.Moreover, you also get a BONUS – SLAMZ games FREE OF CHARGE!App features:★ 4 unique characters! Apart from Brainy the Blonde, you can alsoget acquainted with other app characters – Mary the beautiful andmysterious brunette, Mei the enigmatic Chinese and courteous Mike.Every character has his own strong personality, his own dispositionand sense of humor, which makes the app most resembling to a liveassistant.★ Realistic 3D graphics! Your interaction with the characters has aform of a dialog: they answer viva voce and respond when you touchthem as if they were alive★ Thanks to Wolfram Alpha, all characters can learn new skills.They also learn to understand better what you need★ Gorgeous outfits and ambience! You can customize your character:to change his outfits to your liking and create an ambience thatsuits your mood most★ Useful services will make your life easier than ever! Alarmclock, weather forecast, horoscope, latest news, as well as callsand SMS, reminders, notes and much more than this★ Increased mobility due to Internet services! Mapping an optimalroute using Google Maps and telling about updates in Facebook andTwitter news feeds★ Entertainment services will not let you get bored! Yourassistants will switch on your favorite music, show you mosthilarious videos or tell jokes. If you feel extremely lonely, theyan even play games with you!It knows no equals among Android apps – JUST DOWNLOAD ANDENJOY!The app is available in English, Russian, and Spanish. French,German, Japanese and Korean to be added soon.
Говорящий Крош - Смешарики 1.2.0
Говорящий Крош, прикольные интерактивные анимации и все самые новыесерии любимого мультсериала «Смешарики» теперь всегда будут подрукой.Мир Смешариков стал ещё увлекательнее с этим замечательнымразвивающим приложением.Крош - всем известный непоседа и баламут страны Смешариков, всегдапридумывающий новые приключения и развлечения не только для себя,но и для всех окружающих. Так что всем, кто окажется рядом с ним,не придется скучать!Вот далеко не полный список того, что же можно делать сКрошем:- с Крошем можно говорить, а он с удовольствием повторит всесказанное забавным голосом, совсем не хуже говорящего котаТома.- Его можно кормить морковкой, которую он, кстати, оченьлюбит- А также с Крошем можно играть в футбол или танцевать, ведьтанцует он не хуже самого Майкла Джексона!Просто скачайте приложение, чтобы узнать, на какие еще шалостиспособен этот непоседа.Приложение развивает слуховое и зрительное восприятие, а такжемоторику ребенка.Особенности приложения:• Любимый Крош всегда рядом и умеет повторять всё, что ему говорятсмешным голосом• Самые новые мультики сериала «Смешарики» теперь всегда будут втелефоне, часть из них бесплатные, остальные можно купить по цене$0,99 за серию• Кстати, новинки появляются каждую неделю – просто загружайте исмотрите всей семьёй!• Множество интерактивных и развивающих анимаций c Крошем не дадутскучать вам и вашему ребенку• Яркая реалистичная графика и замечательная озвучка - отвлекут отплача и развлекут ребенка. Ваш малыш будет радоваться исмеяться• Возможность записывать свои смешные видео с Крошем и выкладыватьих на Youtube и Facebook.Совсем скоро к Крошу присоединятся его верные друзья Лосяш, Пин,модница Нюша и застенчивый Ежик. Крош обязательно сообщит вам обэтом!SpeakingCroche, funny interactive animations and all the new favoritecartoon series "Smeshariki" will now always at hand.World Smesharikov became even more fun with this remarkabledevelopmental program.Croche - a well-known troublemaker and fidget country Smesharikov,always coming up with new adventures and entertainment not only forthemselves, but for all the others. So to all who will be next toit, will not be bored!This is a partial list of what you can do with crumbled:- We can say with crumbled, and he was happy to repeat what hasbeen said a funny voice, it is not worse than talking catTom.- It can feed a carrot, which he, by the way, loves- And also with crumbled can play football or dance, because hedances better than Michael Jackson himself!Just download the app to find out what other antics that canfidget.The application developed auditory and visual perception, andmotor skills of the child.Features of the app:• Favorite Croche is always there and is able to repeat everythinghe's told a funny voice• The newest cartoon series "Smeshariki" will now always on thephone, some of them are free, others can be purchased at the priceof $ 0.99 per series• By the way, there are new items each week - just download and seethe whole family!• Lots of interactive animations and developing c Crawshay will notmiss you and your child• Bright realistic graphics and a wonderful voice - distract fromcrying and entertain the child. Your baby will be happy andlaughing• Ability to record their funny video with crumbled and put them onYoutube and Facebook.Very soon we crumble to join his true friends Losyash, Ping,fashionista Nyusha and Hedgehog shy. Croche sure to tell you aboutit!
Pocket Assistant 3.9.393
Hi, I’m Kate - your girlfriend with a greatsense of humor and outstanding 3D curves. I’m smart, blonde andwould love to know you better! I’d be so glad to turn your phoneinto my home and become your hot secretary in everyday life! Andwhen you’re free, I invite you to have some play time together!----------------------------------If you miss your old assistant, you should install one of thefollowing applications: I can do:★★★★★ I can talk to you in English★★★★★ I am interested in everything you love★★★★★ I can dress for any occasion – just tell me, what towear★★★★★ I love having fun and can play or dance with you★★★★★ I’m smart and will help you with your phone★★★★★ I have lots of spare time – just for youThings I can’t do:★★★★★ None ;)I will settle in your device FREE OF CHARGE. Don't waste asecond and get yourself into the future! Later today, you willwonder how you could exist without me, your virtual bestfriend!-----------------Get “Pocket Girl” for free and enjoy this stunning lady makeyour wishes come true! She will be your friend, your assistant, andyour secretary in one app! All you need is to say “Hi”!-----------------Please, note that this application fully complies with theGoogle Play Developer Policy and follows the rules of ContentRating for Apps & Games section. All age ratings were assignedin accordance with the International Age Rating Coalition authoritysystem. The application does not contain any restricted content anddoes not depict extreme sexuality. There are no nudity scenesinside. For any questions please contact us at
Ораниенбаум сквозь века 2.7
Аудиогид с дополненной реальностью «Ораниенбаум сквозь века»проведет Вас по парку, рассказывая о достопримечательностях инаполняя прогулку иллюстрациями эпохи.★ Узнайте о том, что рядом с ВамиПрограмма автоматически по GPS учитывает Ваше местоположение впарке и включает часть аудио-экскурсии о ближайшем объекте.★ Выбирайте направление, задавайте темпВ каком бы направлении Вы не двигались, быстро или медленно,аудиогид всегда рассказывает о том, что Вас окружает.★ Ориентируйтесь по интерактивной картеВ любой момент Вы сможете увидеть своё местоположение на карте ивыбрать удобный маршрут или интересующий объект.★ Окунитесь в другую эпохуРежим дополненной реальности превратит прогулку в увлекательнуюигру: словно в машине времени Вы перенесетесь на 100, 150, 200 летназад и найдете в уголках парка видимые следы прошлого.Вы испытаете восторг при виртуальном катании с горки, услышитемузыкальные, поэтические и документальные произведения,свидетельства очевидцев, увидите рисунки и фотографии, прочитаетестаринные карты и даже научные статьи. А судьбы владельцев удивятдаже самого невпечатлительного путешественника.QR коды, размещенные на экскурсионных объектах, позволятполучить дополнительную инф ормацию.*Что такое Ораниенбаум?*Дворцово-парковый ансамбль Ораниенбаум – уникальный памятникрусской культуры и искусства 18 века. Входит в «бриллиантовоеожерелье» императорских резиденций Петербурга, среди которыхПетергоф, Павловск, Гатчина, Царское Село. Единственный пригородПитера, который не был захвачен и разрушен фашистскимивойсками.Состоит из трех ансамблей:1. Большой дворец (Дворец Меншикова) – самое грандиозное сооружениев окрестностях Петербурга, внешним видом и внутренним убранствомпревосходит царские дворцы.2. Крепость Петерштадт с Почётными воротами и Дворцом Петра II -любимое место военных упражнений и отдохновения Императора.3. Дача Екатерины II с Китайским дворцом и павильоном Катальнойгорки. Китайский дворец по цельности и изяществу художественнойотделки – изумительный памятник XVIII века. Современники называлиего «чудо, полное чудес». Одно из чудес – Стеклярусный кабинет, поуникальности и красоте не уступает Янтарной комнате. Катальнаягорка Ринальди – родоначальница «Русских горок» во всем мире.Сегодня Музей-заповедник Ораниенбаум - единственное место вРоссии, где сохранился подлинный XVIII век.Возвращайтесь в Ораниенбаум вновь и вновь, используйте аудиогиди узнавайте что-то новое, удивительное и прекрасное!The audioguide with augmented reality "Oranienbaum Through the Ages" willguide you through the park, talking about the sights and fillingwalk illustrations era.★ Learn about what near youThe program automatically takes into account your GPS location inthe park and includes a portion of the audio tour of the nearestfacility.★ Choose the direction to set the paceIn what direction you were moving fast or slow, the audio guidealways tells that surrounds you.★ Be guided by interactive mapAt any time you can see your location on the map and choose thebest route or interest.★ Immerse yourself in a different eraAugmented Reality mode will turn a walk into an exciting game: asif in a time machine you will be transferred to the 100, 150, 200years ago and found in the corners of the park visible traces ofthe past.You will experience the delight in the virtual riding a rollercoaster, you will hear music, poetic and documentary works,eyewitness accounts, see drawings and pictures, look at the oldmaps and even scientific articles. And the fate of the owners willsurprise even the most nevpechatlitelnogo traveler.QR codes placed on excursion sites, will allow for more informatsiyu.* What is the Oranienbaum? *The palace and park ensemble Oranienbaum - a unique monument ofRussian culture and art of the 18th century. Included in the"diamond necklace" imperial residences of St. Petersburg, includingPeterhof, Pavlovsk, Gatchina, Tsarskoye Selo. The only suburb ofPeter, who was captured and destroyed by Nazi troops.It consists of three ensembles:1. Grand Palace (Palace Menshikov) - the grand structure in thevicinity of St. Petersburg, appearance and inner architecture issuperior royal palaces.2. Peterstadt fortress gate with honor and the Palace of PeterII - a favorite place of military exercises and restingEmperor.3. Summer residence of Catherine II with the Chinese palace andthe pavilion toboggan. Chinese palace on the integrity and eleganceof artistic decoration - a wonderful monument of the XVIII century.His contemporaries called him "a miracle full of miracles." One ofthe wonders - Steklyarusny study, by the uniqueness and beauty isnot inferior to the Amber Room. Sliding Hill Rinaldi - the ancestorof "Russian hills" in the world.Today the Museum-Reserve Oranienbaum - the only place in Russiawhere the preserved authentic XVIII century.Return to Oranienbaum again and again, use the audio guide andlearn something new, amazing and beautiful!
Ассистент на русском языке 2.5.0
Виртуальный ассистент на русском – голосовойпоиск и мобильный помощник для повседневных задач.Ассистент на русском - полноценный виртуальный помощник с голосовымуправлением, понимающий устные запросы на естественном (!) русскомязыке. Задайте вопрос, получите быстрый и релевантный ответ.Целых 7 дней Вы сможете пользоваться всеми возможностями ассистентаабсолютно бесплатно, в том числе – услышать и оценить приятныйженский голос и возможности всех без исключения сервисов вприложении. По истечению этого периода Вы сможете приобрести полнуюверсию приложения!✭✭✭«Вы просто человеческим языком говорите телефону, что вамнадо и он тут же это понимает и запоминает.» –✭✭✭«Ассистент на русском языке» - это то приложение, которое должнообосноваться в вашем смартфоне раз и навсегда!»***ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ ФУНКЦИЙ Ассистента на русском***1. ПОИСК ИНФОРМАЦИИ:- Новости спорта (результаты игры любимой команды);- Энциклопедия (Wikipedia, конвертер валют, калькулятор);- Афиша кинотеатров (для Санкт-Петербурга и Москвы)- Поиск любимых мест (по базе Google Places);- Поиск новостей, изображений, видео и др.2. ЕЖЕДНЕВНЫЕ ПОМОЩНИКИ:- Будильник- Напоминания- Прогноз погоды- Навигация (легкий доступ к навигационным приложениям).- Переводчик3. УПРАВЛЕНИЕ И НАБОР ГОЛОСОМ:- Голосовой запуск приложений;- Голосовой набор адресов сайтов;- Звонок или смс абоненту из записной книжки;- Виджет 1х1;- Режим обучения;Всё это и многое другое – ПО-РУССКИ и БЕСПЛАТНО!ПОМНИТЕ: обязательно наличие установленного Голосового поиска/вводаот Google***ПРИМЕРЫ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ***► Открывать установленные приложения и популярные сайты. Скажите:«Открой Карты» или «Открой Яндекс точка ру»► Показывать погоду. На день, на неделю, на выходные, в разныхгородах► Быстро ставить любой будильник. «Буди меня по будням в 7:30утра»► Ставить напоминания. Достаточно сказать «напомни мне сходить вмагазин вечером»► Делать звонки и отправлять сообщения. Назовите абонента по имении посмотрите на результат – неважно, написано имя по-английски илипо-русски► Искать места вокруг. Назовите улицу, город, станцию метро –ассистент легко найдет рестораны, магазины, жилые дома или фирмырядом на картах Google► Узнавать новости спорта. Простой поиск результатов и расписанияматчей любимых команд (пока только футбол/хоккей)► Искать киносеансы. Скажите:«кинотеатры в центре»,« где идет ВойнаМиров Z»,«что идет в кино» и т.д.(сервис ПОКА доступен дляСанкт-Петербурга и Москвы)► Прокладывать маршруты до нужных мест. Скажите «поехали домой»,ассистент предложит задать адреса, запомнит их и предложит на выборКарты Google, Яндекс.Навигатор или Яндекс.Карты► Переводить слова или целые фразы с одного языка на другой.Скажите «Переведи с русского на испанский слово дождь»► Обучаться новым командам. Скажите «Сделай…когда яскажу…».Например: «Открой диктофон, когда я скажу текст».Ассистентпредложит вам подтвердить сохранение команды и запомнит её===ВОПРОСЫ И СЛОЖНОСТИ===Дорогие пользователи! Мы не всегда можем быстро отвечать накомментарии в Google Play. По всем проблемам пишите, присоединяйтесь к обсуждениямВКонтакте и на форумеСкачивая и устанавливая данное приложение, Вы принимаете условияпользовательского соглашения, расположенного поадресу: assistant inRussian - voice search and mobile assistant for everydaytasks.Assistant in Russian - complete virtual assistant with voicecontrol, understanding oral requests for natural (!) Russianlanguage. Ask a question, get a fast and relevant answer.As many as 7 days, you can enjoy all the features assistantabsolutely free, including - to hear and appreciate the pleasantfemale voice and opportunities for all, without exception, theservices in the application. After this period you can buy the fullversion!✭ ✭ ✭ «You just speak human language, the phone that you haveand he immediately understands and remembers.»✭ ✭ ✭ «Assistant in Russian" - is an application that needs tosettle in your phone once and for all! »- AndroidInsider.ruLIST OF FUNCTIONS *** Assistant on Russian ***1. INFORMATION SEARCH:- Sports News (game results favorite team);- Encyclopedia (Wikipedia, currency converter, calculator);- Playbill theater (for St. Petersburg and Moscow)- Search your favorite sites (based on Google Places);- Search news, images, videos, etc.2. Daily assistant:- Alarm Clock- Reminders- Forecast- Navigation (easy access to navigation applications).- Translator3. MANAGEMENT AND SET VOICE:- Voice launch applications;- Voice dialing site addresses;- Call or sms caller from the phonebook;- Widget 1x1;- Training Mode;All this and more - in Russian, and it's FREE!REMEMBER: certainly have installed Voice Search / InputGoogleEXAMPLES *** ***► Open the installed applications and popular sites. Say: "UnlockMaps" or "Open Yandex dot ru"► Show weather. A day, a week, a weekend, in different cities► Quickly put any alarm. "Budi me weekdays at 7:30 am"► Putting reminders. Suffice it to say "remind me to go to thestore in the evening"► Make calls and send messages. Call the subscriber by name andlook at the result - whether the name is written in English or inRussian► Find places around. Name the street, the city, the subway station- Assistant easily find restaurants, shops, homes or businessesclose on Google maps► Look sports news. Simple search results and schedules matchesfavorite teams (only football / hockey)► Search screenings. Say: "Cinema in the center", "War of theWorlds is where Z», «that goes to the movies" and so on (theservice is not yet available for the St. Petersburg andMoscow)► directions to desired locations. Say "went home," Assistantprompts you to set the address, remember them, and offer a choiceof maps Google, Yandex or Yandeks.Navigator► Translate words or whole phrases from one language to another.Say "translated from Russian into Spanish word rain"► learn new commands. Say "Do ... when I say ...". Example: "Openthe recorder when I say the text." Assistant prompts you to confirmsaving the team and remember itISSUES AND CHALLENGES === ===Dear users! We can not always respond quickly to comments on GooglePlay. On all issues, please contact, join discussions and VKontakte forum downloading and installing this application, you accept theterms of use located at:
Виват, Петергоф! Гид 2.7
Приложение «Виват, Петергоф! Гид» - это Вашперсональный гид по Государственному музею - заповеднику «Петергоф»С его помощью Вы сможете:• Получить дополнительную информацию по QR кодам, расположенным вмузее - заповеднике• Используя технологию «дополненная реальность», познакомиться систорическим обликом дворцов и парков Петергофа• Узнать историю создания дворцово-паркового ансамбля и егодостопримечательностей• Найти дорогу к интересующему Вас объектуУстановив приложение на мобильное устройство, Вы получите своего«индивидуального гида»Электронный гид поведет Вас по маршруту, выбранному лично Вами.Дополнительная информация - карты, фотографии, документы,репродукции с картин известных художников - будет служить Вамсправочным материалом в парке и дома«Виват, Петергоф! Гид» - просто, удобно и интересно!Совместный проект ГМЗ «Петергоф», Санкт-ПетербургскогоГосударственного Университета.Appendix "Vivat,Peterhof! Guide "- this is your personal guide to the State Museum- Preserve" Peterhof "With it you can:• For more information on QR codes, located in the museum -reserve• Using the technology of "augmented reality", explore the historicappearance of palaces and gardens of Peterhof• Learn the history of the palace and park ensemble and itsattractions• Find a way to a certain objectBy installing the application on a mobile device, you willreceive a "personal tour guide"Electronic guide will lead you through the route chosen by you.Additional information - maps, photographs, documents,reproductions of paintings by famous artists - will serve you areference material in the park and at home"Viva, Peterhof! Guide "- easy, convenient and fun!A joint project of the State Museum "Peterhof", St. PetersburgState University.
3D Voice Assistant 3.7.343
Meet your virtual assistant Mike – he will beyour unfailing friend and reliable aide!Do you need even greater mobility? Do you want to get latestnews in the morning, to learn the weather forecast and be aware ofyour horoscope? Or do you just feel lonely? Then this assistant isexactly what you need! He has just two hands, but he can easilycarry out several tasks at the same time. If you need any help, hecan always:• Find necessary info or news on the Internet• Help you to make some calls or send SMS• Tell you the weather forecast for a day or a week• Show the required place on Google Maps and map an optimalroute• Make necessary calculations• Book tickets and hotels in any place all over the world at a mostattractive price• Help you with online shopping• He can also switch on your favorite radio or TV show, tell you ajoke. He can even dance for you!• He is available at any time of day and night, if you want to chator play some games!Mike has some friends too: Brainy the charming blonde, Mary thebeautiful and mysterious brunette, Mei the enigmatic Chinese! Theycan do all the same things that Mike can do. It's up to you todecide who will be your faithful companion!You can't buy friends, so this app is FREE!It knows no equals among Android apps – JUST DOWNLOAD ANDENJOY!The app is available in English, Russian, and Spanish. French,German, Japanese and Korean to be added soon.
Grocery Shopping List: Listick 4.3.1
Grocery shopping list with cloud sync, widget,expense tracking, and much more!☆☆☆☆☆♥ With Listick, you will forget about paper lists forever! ♥♥ After spending my last grocery store visit using Listick, Igrabbed everything that I needed and managed to get through WholeFoods in record time. ♥ -♥ To sync my list to my husband’s device and instantly add to hishoney-do list, that’s a super feature I’m going to use this season:) ♥ -☆☆☆☆☆Listick (Grocery Mate 2.0) makes shopping easy, fast andenjoyable. This app helps you spend less time in the store,remember to buy everything you and your family need, and even trackyour expenses! There’s an abundance of shopping list appsavailable, Listick gives you much more. Combining slick design withimpressive features, it’s beautiful and easy-to-use!∞ UNLIMITED LISTS & TEMPLATESEasily create as many lists as you’d like! With templates you maycreate complete list just in one tap. A built-in database of itemssuggests goods as you type, and you add them to your list with atap of a finger. The app automatically identifies the relevantcategory/department, making shopping faster than ever before.☝ DESKTOP WIDGETWant to always have your list at hand? Add a widget to yourdesktop, so you can cross off purchased items and browse yourshopping lists on the go. You can even add an item to a currentlist or create a new list right from your desktop.☁ REAL-TIME LIST SYNCHRONIZATION IN THE CLOUDLists created and updated under one account are automaticallysynchronized across all of your devices and the web in real time.So, users without a smartphone can create and share shopping listsvia and send them to other people’ssmartphones. Now you can send your spouse shopping and add items tothe list after they’ve left!$ EXPENSE TRACKING & USER CATEGORIESKeep track of your spending by dates and by categories. Plus,thanks to this handy feature, you can transfer the total cost ofyour shopping from the list to Expenses with just one tap. It's thefastest and easiest way to track your daily expenses for groceriesand other products. You can even add your own categories!More features:☆ Real-time notifications on list changes☆ Creating lists from incoming SMS☆ Filter items by category or department☆ Marking top priority items☆ Cross out goods as you go☆ Add prices, measurement units, and comments using appsettings☆ Use and edit existing lists☆ Change list design themes☆ Send lists by SMS or via e-mail☆ Voice input of itemsThank you for choosing Listick! Try the full version for FREE for15 days. In 15 days, you’ll be able to:• Buy the full version (with unlimited lists, synchronization inthe cloud, lists’ sharing, widget, expense tracking, andmore!)• Buy necessary featuresIf you have any questions about Listick, please go “Options”-> “Settings”->”Help” or contact us
Total Defense 3D 1.2.6
Total Defense 3D brings a whole new level ofaction to Android defense games. This state of the art strategywill unleash a cascade of new RTS and RPG features as you drown inthe intensive battles across the unknown universe! Combat &conquer planets, raise towers and erase alien monuments, repelenemy legions, advance technologies, mine resources and evendestroy enemy passageways – adopt your own strategy!Lead the rebellion! Discover the dangers of faraway galaxies andface the armies of the evil Emperor in more than twenty epicmissions, inspired by the gems of the space opera genre!GET READY FOR:★ STUNNING 3D – amazing graphics & free camera view asyou’ve never seen before in defense games★ TERRAMORPHING – bomb bridges, destroy monuments, block passagesfor maximum tactical advantage★ ENGAGING GAMEPLAY – multiple weaponry and technologies to buildand upgrade★ ACTION & RTS – intensive battles in three terrains forultimate TD experience★ 3 DIFFICULTY MODES appealing to both casual and hardcoregamers★ FUTURISTIC SOUNDTRACK to amplify your sci-fi gamingexperienceThe future of the galaxy is in YOUR hands! Get Total Defense 3D& shape the fate of the world NOW!
CandyApps: Super games & sales 4.5
CandyApps is full of best apps!This is your Personal Folder to discover the best free anddiscounted Android applications – and really best games! We alsolook for the fresh discounts, Hottest and New apps! And no sign in,no ads!Take a look at KEY FEATURES:★Lot of hot deals in SALES (Price Drops)★Personal RECOMMENDATIONS of apps and games★Very helpful FILTERS and hottest TAGS for search★Dedicated apps COLLECTIONS★Special REVIEWS made by editors and experts★LIVE CHARACTERS for your funPERSONALIZATION: Unique algorithm for apps and gamesrecommendation is based on the list of installed apps and youractivity inside our app. Thus you get PERSONAL suggestions of theapps and games!PRICE DROPS: Also, we solve all problems of looking for theconstantly updated pricings. Who knows when sale (or the pricedrop) for the lovely game or useful app will happen? CandyApps ispermanently checking the discounts for the best apps and games inthe Market.RECOMMENDATIONS: Dedicated news, expert reviews and featuredapps help you to choose whatever on earth you need. We review theapps and recommend you the best!INTUITIVE NAVIGATION: We took care of making you happy whilesearching for the best and new apps! Scroll down for less-ratedapps and scroll right for older ones.LIVE CHARACTERS: Our characters – funny alien Spooni andattractive Blonde will guide you to get the best fromCandyApps.POPULAR TAGS: Kids, Racing: F1 and Moto, Zombie, 18+, etc. –best apps are tagged to focus your search!It’s Free Apps Discovery applications with NO registrationrequired! And we won’t show you any annoying pop-up ads, webet!WHAT YOU also get:★Video REVIEWS: we provide you recordings of the top-notch hitsgameplay with tips and tricks★SMART SEARCH: Multiple categories can be chosen during your appssearch. Popular tags are also very helpful★ Useful WIDGETS: find the best new games in one click!★FREE multi-updates every 2 hours – we check and show you at leastone fresh discount!And check out our brilliant 10+ APPS COLLECTIONS:★Best Kids Apps & Games★Best Racing Apps★Must-Have Apps★Pimp Your Phone★Best widgets★Best Casual Games★Awesome Music Apps★Beauty and Ladies Apps★Virtual Assistants Apps★Camera Apps Exposed★Zombie Apps and GamesPlus many more collections with weekly updates!Try CandyApps, we bet you’ll love it!!
Voice Assistants 3D 3.7.343
A family of 3D virtual assistants, each ofthem has their own character and a sense of humor!Meet courteous Mike and three charming girls – Mary, Brainy andMei. They will be your friends and voice assistants. They are smartand quick-witted, and they will willingly obey to your orders,making your everyday life more comfortable. Or you can just chatwith them, and they will cheer you up. What's the most important,you won't need to part with them – they will always be at hand, inyour phone.App features:★ 4 unique characters! Brainy the charming blonde, Mary thebeautiful and mysterious brunette, Mei the enigmatic Chinese andcourteous Mike. Every character has his own strong personality, hisown disposition and sense of humor, which makes the app mostresembling to a live assistant.★ Realistic 3D graphics! Your interaction with the characters has aform of a dialog: they answer viva voce and respond when you touchthem as if they were alive★ Thanks to Wolfram Alpha, all characters can learn new skills.They also learn to understand better what you need★ Colorful outfits and ambience! You can customize your character:to change his outfits to your liking and create an ambience thatsuits your mood most★ Useful services will make your life easier than ever! Alarmclock, weather forecast, horoscope, latest news, as well as callsand SMS, reminders, notes and much more than this★ Increased mobility due to Internet services! Mapping an optimalroute using Google Maps and telling about updates in Facebook andTwitter news feeds★ Entertainment services will not let you get bored! Yourassistants will switch on your favorite music, show you mosthilarious videos or tell jokes. If you feel extremely lonely, theyan even play games with you!★ They will help you with online shopping using Shoptimus or willfind the best hotels offers using Smartive Hotels!It knows no equals among Android apps – JUST DOWNLOAD ANDENJOY!The app is available in English, Russian, and Spanish. French,German, Japanese and Korean to be added soon.
Jelly Racing 1.1
Jelly Racing!!Jelly Racing ™ is a captivating and exciting turn-basedstrategic racing game!Take part in crazy races and help your jelly to breast the tape!Unforgettable curves of numerous tracks on four differentplanets are waiting for you.Make your jelly move in the necessary direction, pick up starbonuses and breast the tape in a limited number of moves! Variousbarriers and collisions will hinder while the opponents will yearnto reach the finish. There's but one thing to go – to find out whois the master in the jelly galaxy!♥ Experience the unique Party Play mode, which allows you to playon one device together with your friends. Great mood for the entireshoot! ♥Game features:☞ 2 play modes: single mode and unique PARTY-PLAY (Hot Seat) mode,providing maximum pleasure from racing contest.♛ Challenge your friends or any of the best players during theweekly tournaments on Facebook!☺ Charming characters – choose one of four cuties. Power level themto shape them to your taste and to upgrade their runningqualities!★ Cool locations – 4 distant planets, featuring 10 levels each andvarious racetracks, from easy to hard☼ Colorful graphics and excellent modeling of the game environmentwill make you enjoy the incredible flights of shock-resistantjellies☭ Any means to an end! Use boosters and various running qualitiesto make you jelly breast the tape at the end of an embarrassingroute with lots of obstacles♥ 2 or 3 kg of jelly FREE OF CHARGE!→→→ Download "Jelly Racing" right now and fling yourself intothis unique jelly world!Keep an eye on the updates: more fascinating racetracks, gamemechanics, obstacles, and levels that will extend your fantasticrevelry.We'll be happy to learn your opinion of the game. Any ideas,proposals and/or questions are welcome.
Weather & Clock - Meteo Widget 1.3.64
Get actual Weather Forecast on timewithWeather and Clock Widget! Install a beautiful weather widgetandyou'll always be up to date with the weather and time. Don’tlookout the window, just a glance at the widget gives you anexactpicture. Weather is just as out the window!☀ ☀☀ Key Features ☀ ☀☀ ^:☂ Time & Date Widget 4x2 with Weather Forecast forAndroid❄ Day & Night sceneries for all Seasons★ Widget is scalable❤ The weather forecast data is provided by Foreca Weather®☼ FREE countdown to Summer will display the actual time remainingtolong-awaited summer days!★ Localized in English, Russian, Spanish→ The widget is a part of the free app "Pocket Blonde" and mostofits functionality delivers from this app, Download app,meetBlondie and know what else she can do for you.Installation Brainyfriends weather widget.Just as other widgets, it will be stored in the internal memoryofyour device. In order to set up the display, please proceedasfollows (it won't take much time):1. Please make sure that there is enough place on theselectedscreen to install the widget (about one half of the screenforphones)).2. Long tap any place on the screen desktop or tap the menubuttonand choose "Add" (sometimes displayed as a "+" sign)On some devices, you will need to enter the list of apps andswitchto "Widgets" tab3. A menu appears, containing items such as"Shortcuts","Widgets","Folders", "Wallpapers", etc.4. Select "Widgets", a list of available widgets appears,bothstandard and downloaded.5. Select "Brainyfriends Widget" (4 х 2) and tap it.That's all, setup is over!You can enjoy a beautiful animated Brainyfriends widgetfeaturingmost precise weather info!
Frivolius Almanac
Content is in Russian language.★ Find out what happened this day and next years ago.Informative, funny, spicy, sometimes shocking stories and factsofthe current day and next day in the historicalretrospect.Holliday, sayings and traditions of that day.Illustrations, videostories, anecdotes and quizzes for eachday.★ Participate in quizzesSome stories include game, competing parts, quizzes etc.★ Share with friendsAlmanac gives possibility to share interesting facts withyourfriends.The project is in progress. It won’t be boring. Followtheupdates.Dear users, unfortunately, here's no feedback mechanismprovided.For this reason, the program provides support for users:go to menu«I» and write about their proposals or problems and wewill answeryou and help you.
Frivolous Almanac Free
Frivolous almanac – chronology ininterestingnarration.Content is in Russian language.★ Find out what happened this day and next years ago.Informative, funny, spicy, sometimes shocking stories and factsofthe current day and next day in the historical retrospect.★ Holliday, sayings and traditions of that day. Illustrations,videostories, anecdotes and quizzes for each day.The full version contains much more historical episodes,providesan opportunity to learn about important dates tomorrow,and alsoincludes daily entertaining quiz, "funny" and "phrase oftheday." in the full version does not.
Hamster trolls Talking hamster 2.0.51
Yes, you are right! It's the verytalkinghamster that trolls policeman!A small talking hamster is not only a cool pal in your phonebutalso a true assistant. Wondering, how he could help you? It'squitesimple: now slogging away poems and long texts will provide alotof fun for you and your kids.Why so? This hamster can repeat any phrase that you say, inanylanguage, or just any sounds that he hears, and he reproduces itina funny voice. Recite poetry or read any text aloud, andthehamster will repeat it in its "hamster manner", and then yourchildwill repeat it too with pleasure. Do you want to learn Englishorany other language together with this cute hamster? Piece ofcake!Just tell him a phrase to repeat – he will repeat it, youwillremember it!Make haste, download this free app now!!Hamster the copycat is anxious for fixing himself in your phone.Hewill surely steal a way into your heart as well asyourkids'.IN ADDITION, DON'T FORGET!! THIS HAMSTER WILL TROLLEVERYBODY!